Following her song recital at the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow on 23. March 2010, Anna Netrebko gave the same recital at the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic Society, St. Petersburg on 26. Mar 2010.
Anna Netrebko, Soprano
Elena Bashkirova, Piano
Philharmonie, St. Petersburg
Friday 26. March 2010
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Worüber in der Stille der Nacht op. 40 Nr. 3 | O chem v tishi nochey op. 40 Nr. 3 | Of what I dream in the quiet night op. 40 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Verzeih! Erinnere dich nicht an die kummervollen Tage op. 27 Nr. 4 | Prosti! Ne pomni dney naden’ya op. 27 Nr. 4 | Forgive! Remember not these tearful days op. 27 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Es ist nicht der Wind, der von der Höhe weht op. 43 Nr. 2 | Ne veter, veya s vïsotï op. 43 Nr. 2 | Not the Wind, blowing from the hights op. 43 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Klingender ist das Lied der Lerche op. 43 Nr. 1 | Zvonche zhavoronka pen’ye op. 43 Nr. 1 | The lark sings louder op. 43 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Auf Grusiniens Hügeln op. 3 Nr. 4 | Na kholmakh Gruzii op. 3 Nr. 4 | On the hills of Georgia op. 3 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Im Reich der Rose und des Weins op. 8 Nr. 5 | V tsarstvo rozï i vina op. 8 Nr. 5 | In the kingdom of roses and wine op. 8 Nr. 5
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Suleikas Lied op. 26 Nr. 4 | Pesnya Zyuleyki op. 26 Nr. 4 | Zuleika’s song op. 26 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nachtigall wurde Sklavin der Rose op. 2 Nr. 2 | Plenivshis’ rozoy, solovey (Vostochnïy romans) op. 2 Nr. 2 | Enslaved by the rose, the nightingale op. 2 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Der Wolken Luftgebirg löst sich im Winde sacht op. 42 Nr. 3 | Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada op. 42 Nr. 3 | The clouds begin to scatter op. 42 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nymphe op. 56 Nr. 1 | Nimfa op. 56 Nr. 1 | The nymph op. 56 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Ein Sommernachtstraum op. 56 Nr. 2 | Son v letnyuyu noch’ op. 56 Nr. 2 | Summer night’s dream op. 56 Nr. 2
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Sag mir, wovon im dunklen Grün op. 57 Nr. 1 | Skazhi, o chom v teni vetvey op. 57 Nr. 1 | Tell me, what in the shade of the branches op. 57 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • So schnell vergessen (1870) | Zabït tak skoro (1870) | To forget so soon (1870)
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Trunkene Nächte op. 60 Nr. 6 | Nochy bezumnïye op. 60 Nr. 6 | Frenzied night op. 60 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Warum? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Otchevo? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Why? op. 6 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Serenade, O Kind, ich singe dir op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenada op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenade op. 63 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Wiegenlied op. 16 Nr. 1 | Kolïbel’naya pesnya op. 16 Nr. 1 | Cradle song op. 16 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • War ich nicht ein Gräslein im Felde op. 47 Nr. 7 | Ya li v pole da ne travushka bïla op. 47 Nr. 7 | Was I not a little blade of grass? op. 47 Nr. 7
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • In trüben Tagen op. 73 Nr. 5 | Sred mrachnïkh dnei op. 73 Nr. 5 | Mid sombre days op. 73 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Herrschet der Tag op. 47 Nr. 6 | Den li tsarit? op. 47 Nr. 6 | Does the day reign op. 47 Nr. 6
Antonín Dvořák • Zigeunermelodien op. 55 Nr. 4 (Als die alte Mutter mich noch lehrte singen) | Ciganske melodie op. 55 Nr. 4 (Kdyz mne stará matka zpívat, zpívat ucívala) | Gypsy Songs op. 55 Nr. 4 (When my old mother taught me to sing)
Richard Strauss • Cäcilie op. 27 Nr. 2
Minggu, 28 Maret 2010
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010
The Wall Street Journal: A Diva's Domain
The Wall Street Journal publishes the article "A Diva's Domain", written by Juliet Chung, about the new Anna Netrebko's apartment in New York, a three-bedroom 1,900-square-foot condo in a high rise three blocks from Lincoln Center with views to the Hudson River. A gallery of photos show us different rooms of the apartment painted with bold colours - intense blue in the entrance hall, lime green in Tiago's playroom and lavender in the bedroom and kitchen.
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010
Concert dedicated to Elena Matusovskaya Jubilee, Mariinsky Theater Concert Hall, St. Petersburg 25. Mar 2010
“Oh music, I thank you!”, Concert dedicated to Elena Matusovskaya Jubilee, Mariinsky Theater Concert Hall, St. Petersburg 25. Mar 2010 – Anna Netrebko (Soprano), Irina Mataeva (Soprano), Zlata Bulycheva (Mezzo-soprano), Nina Romanova (Mezzo-soprano), Yevgeny Akimov (Tenor), Yuri Marusin (Tenor), Yuri Laptev (Baritone), Vladislav Sulimsky (Baritone), Yevgeny Ulanov (Baritone); Elena Matusovskaya (Piano)
Rabu, 24 Maret 2010
Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. March 2010
Yesterday 23. March 2010, Anna Netrebko sang in a recital at the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory. Elena Bashkirova was at the piano. The programme was the same than in Mannheim and Salzburg in August 2009, a selection of works by Russian composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. At the end of the recital Anna sang two encores: "When my old mother taught me to sing" by Antonín Dvořák and "Cäcilie" by Richard Strauss.
Anna Netrebko will sing recitals with the same programme in St. Petersburg on 26. March 2010, with Elena Bashkirova at the piano, and Berlin on 29. March 2010, with Daniel Barenboim at the piano. This one in Berlin will be broadcast by Arte TV on 18. April 2010.
The new album "In the Still of Night", a live recording of her recital at the Salzburger Festspiele on 17. August 2009 with Daniel Barenboim at the piano, will be released by Deutsche Grammophon on 26. March 2010.
Anna Netrebko, Soprano
Elena Bashkirova, Piano
Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow
Tuesday 23. March 2010
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Worüber in der Stille der Nacht op. 40 Nr. 3 | O chem v tishi nochey op. 40 Nr. 3 | Of what I dream in the quiet night op. 40 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Verzeih! Erinnere dich nicht an die kummervollen Tage op. 27 Nr. 4 | Prosti! Ne pomni dney naden’ya op. 27 Nr. 4 | Forgive! Remember not these tearful days op. 27 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Es ist nicht der Wind, der von der Höhe weht op. 43 Nr. 2 | Ne veter, veya s vïsotï op. 43 Nr. 2 | Not the Wind, blowing from the hights op. 43 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Klingender ist das Lied der Lerche op. 43 Nr. 1 | Zvonche zhavoronka pen’ye op. 43 Nr. 1 | The lark sings louder op. 43 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Auf Grusiniens Hügeln op. 3 Nr. 4 | Na kholmakh Gruzii op. 3 Nr. 4 | On the hills of Georgia op. 3 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Im Reich der Rose und des Weins op. 8 Nr. 5 | V tsarstvo rozï i vina op. 8 Nr. 5 | In the kingdom of roses and wine op. 8 Nr. 5
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Suleikas Lied op. 26 Nr. 4 | Pesnya Zyuleyki op. 26 Nr. 4 | Zuleika’s song op. 26 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nachtigall wurde Sklavin der Rose op. 2 Nr. 2 | Plenivshis’ rozoy, solovey (Vostochnïy romans) op. 2 Nr. 2 | Enslaved by the rose, the nightingale op. 2 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Der Wolken Luftgebirg löst sich im Winde sacht op. 42 Nr. 3 | Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada op. 42 Nr. 3 | The clouds begin to scatter op. 42 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nymphe op. 56 Nr. 1 | Nimfa op. 56 Nr. 1 | The nymph op. 56 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Ein Sommernachtstraum op. 56 Nr. 2 | Son v letnyuyu noch’ op. 56 Nr. 2 | Summer night’s dream op. 56 Nr. 2
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Sag mir, wovon im dunklen Grün op. 57 Nr. 1 | Skazhi, o chom v teni vetvey op. 57 Nr. 1 | Tell me, what in the shade of the branches op. 57 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • So schnell vergessen (1870) | Zabït tak skoro (1870) | To forget so soon (1870)
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Trunkene Nächte op. 60 Nr. 6 | Nochy bezumnïye op. 60 Nr. 6 | Frenzied night op. 60 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Warum? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Otchevo? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Why? op. 6 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Serenade, O Kind, ich singe dir op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenada op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenade op. 63 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Wiegenlied op. 16 Nr. 1 | Kolïbel’naya pesnya op. 16 Nr. 1 | Cradle song op. 16 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • War ich nicht ein Gräslein im Felde op. 47 Nr. 7 | Ya li v pole da ne travushka bïla op. 47 Nr. 7 | Was I not a little blade of grass? op. 47 Nr. 7
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • In trüben Tagen op. 73 Nr. 5 | Sred mrachnïkh dnei op. 73 Nr. 5 | Mid sombre days op. 73 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Herrschet der Tag op. 47 Nr. 6 | Den li tsarit? op. 47 Nr. 6 | Does the day reign op. 47 Nr. 6
Antonín Dvořák • Zigeunermelodien op. 55 Nr. 4 (Als die alte Mutter mich noch lehrte singen) | Ciganske melodie op. 55 Nr. 4 (Kdyz mne stará matka zpívat, zpívat ucívala) | Gypsy Songs op. 55 Nr. 4 (When my old mother taught me to sing)
Richard Strauss • Cäcilie op. 27 Nr. 2
Press Reviews
[3] Анна Нетребко выступила в Москве с новой программой | | By Gulya Baltaeva | 24. March 2010
[5] Анна Нетребко: «Приди ко мне. Кубок счастья испей до дна!» | Комсомольская правда | 24. March 2010
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Auf Grusiniens Hügeln op. 3 Nr. 4 | Na kholmakh Gruzii op. 3 Nr. 4 | On the hills of Georgia op. 3 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Im Reich der Rose und des Weins op. 8 Nr. 5 | V tsarstvo rozï i vina op. 8 Nr. 5 | In the kingdom of roses and wine op. 8 Nr. 5
Anna Netrebko during the first part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the first part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Intermission of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko and Elena Bashkirova during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko and Elena Bashkirova during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko and Elena Bashkirova during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko and Elena Bashkirova during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Anna Netrebko during the second part of the recital at the Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow 23. Mar 2010. Photo: Olga
Selasa, 23 Maret 2010
WSO 2010-2011 Season released: Anna Netrebko and Elina Garanca in Anna Bolena at the Wiener Staatsoper in April 2011
The Wiener Staatsoper has just published on the website the cast and dates for the new 2010-2011 Season.
We are glad to confirm the dates and cast, given in exclusive on the blog a few days ago, for Donizetti's Anna Bolena starring Anna Netrebko in the title role and Elina Garanca as Giovanna Seymour. The cast is completed with Ildebrando d'Arcangelo as Enrico VIII, Elisabeth Kulman as Smeton and Francesco Meli as Lord Riccardo Percy. The stage director is Eric Génovèse and Evelino Pidó conducts the Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper.
Ticket prices for the premiere on 2. April 2011 range from 13 EUR to 240 EUR. Ticket prices for the 5 remaining performances on 5., 8., 11., 14. and 17. April range from 11 EUR to 192 EUR.
We are glad to confirm the dates and cast, given in exclusive on the blog a few days ago, for Donizetti's Anna Bolena starring Anna Netrebko in the title role and Elina Garanca as Giovanna Seymour. The cast is completed with Ildebrando d'Arcangelo as Enrico VIII, Elisabeth Kulman as Smeton and Francesco Meli as Lord Riccardo Percy. The stage director is Eric Génovèse and Evelino Pidó conducts the Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper.
Ticket prices for the premiere on 2. April 2011 range from 13 EUR to 240 EUR. Ticket prices for the 5 remaining performances on 5., 8., 11., 14. and 17. April range from 11 EUR to 192 EUR.
Anna Bolena, Wiener Staatsoper, Wien 2. Apr 2011 – Anna Netrebkoª (Anna Bolena), Ildebrando d’Arcangelo (Enrico VIII), Elina Garanca (Giovanna Seymour), Elisabeth Kulman (Smeton), Francesco Meli (Lord Riccardo Percy); Eric Génovèse (Director), Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper, Evelino Pidó
Anna Bolena, Wiener Staatsoper, Wien 5. Apr 2011 – Anna Netrebko (Anna Bolena), Ildebrando d’Arcangelo (Enrico VIII), Elina Garanca (Giovanna Seymour), Elisabeth Kulman (Smeton), Francesco Meli (Lord Riccardo Percy); Eric Génovèse (Director), Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper, Evelino Pidó
Anna Bolena, Wiener Staatsoper, Wien 8. Apr 2011 – Anna Netrebko (Anna Bolena), Ildebrando d’Arcangelo (Enrico VIII), Elina Garanca (Giovanna Seymour), Elisabeth Kulman (Smeton), Francesco Meli (Lord Riccardo Percy); Eric Génovèse (Director), Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper, Evelino Pidó
Anna Bolena, Wiener Staatsoper, Wien 11. Apr 2011 – Anna Netrebko (Anna Bolena), Ildebrando d’Arcangelo (Enrico VIII), Elina Garanca (Giovanna Seymour), Elisabeth Kulman (Smeton), Francesco Meli (Lord Riccardo Percy); Eric Génovèse (Director), Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper, Evelino Pidó
Anna Bolena, Wiener Staatsoper, Wien 14. Apr 2011 – Anna Netrebko (Anna Bolena), Ildebrando d’Arcangelo (Enrico VIII), Elina Garanca (Giovanna Seymour), Elisabeth Kulman (Smeton), Francesco Meli (Lord Riccardo Percy); Eric Génovèse (Director), Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper, Evelino Pidó
Anna Bolena, Wiener Staatsoper, Wien 17. Apr 2011 – Anna Netrebko (Anna Bolena), Ildebrando d’Arcangelo (Enrico VIII), Elina Garanca (Giovanna Seymour), Elisabeth Kulman (Smeton), Francesco Meli (Lord Riccardo Percy); Eric Génovèse (Director), Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper, Evelino PidóAnna Netrebko | 2010-2011 Season

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010
Anna Netrebko and Elina Garanca in Anna Bolena at the Wiener Staatsoper in April 2011
Anna Netrebko singing the title role and Elina Garanca as Giovanna will perform in Donizetti's Anna Bolena at the Wiener Staatsoper on 2., 5., 8., 11., 14. and 17. April 2011.
Anna Netrebko | 2010-2011 Season
Anna Netrebko | 2010-2011 Season

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010
Arte TV will broadcast the recital of Anna Netrebko and Daniel Barenboim in Berlin
The vocal piano recital of Anna Netrebko and Daniel Barenboim at the Philharmonie, Berlin 29. March 2010, will be broadcast by the German-French cultural TV channel Arte on 18. April 2010 at 19:15 CET within the program series Maestro.
The programme features selected songs by Russian composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The same programme has been previously sung by Anna Netrebko in recitals at the Rosengarten, Mannheim on 12. August 2009, with Elena Bashkirova at the piano, and at the Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg on 17. August 2009, with Daniel Barenboim at the piano. Anna Netrebko will sing the same programme in her upcoming recitals in Moscow on 23. March 2010 and St. Petersburg on 26. Mar 2010, with Elena Bashkirova at the piano.
The new Anna Netrebko's album "In the Still of Night", which will be released by Deutsche Grammophon on 26. March 2010, was recorded live at the recital given with Daniel Barenboim at the Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg on 17. August 2009.
The programme features selected songs by Russian composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The same programme has been previously sung by Anna Netrebko in recitals at the Rosengarten, Mannheim on 12. August 2009, with Elena Bashkirova at the piano, and at the Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg on 17. August 2009, with Daniel Barenboim at the piano. Anna Netrebko will sing the same programme in her upcoming recitals in Moscow on 23. March 2010 and St. Petersburg on 26. Mar 2010, with Elena Bashkirova at the piano.
The new Anna Netrebko's album "In the Still of Night", which will be released by Deutsche Grammophon on 26. March 2010, was recorded live at the recital given with Daniel Barenboim at the Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg on 17. August 2009.
Jumat, 19 Maret 2010
Breaking News: Anna Netrebko is replaced by Angela Gheorghiu in the last performance of the run of La Bohème at the Met
Anna Netrebko is ill and withdraws from the last performance of the run of Puccini's La Bohème at the Met. Angela Gheorghiu will replace Anna Netrebko as Mimi on Saturday 20. March 2010.
Kamis, 18 Maret 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 17. Mar 2010

This is the last performance broadcast live on Sirius/XM.
La Bohème
Music by Giacomo Puccini
Text in Italian by Giuseppe Giacosa und Luigi Illica, based on Henry Murger's novel "Scènes de la Vie de Bohème"
Metropolitan Opera House, New York 17. Mar 2010
Production: Franco Zeffirelli
Set designer: Franco Zeffirelli
Costume designer: Peter J. Hall
Lighting designer: Gil Wechsler
Stage director: J. Knighten Smit
Mimi: Anna Netrebko
Musetta: Ruth Ann Swenson
Rodolfo: Piotr Beczala
Marcello: George Petan
Schaunard: Massimo Cavalletti
Colline: Oren Gradus
Benoît: Paul Plishka
Alcindoro: Paul Plishka
Parpignol: Daniel Clark Smith
Sergeant: Jason Hendrix
Officer: Joseph Turi
Musical Direction: Marco Armiliato
Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera
About the Opera
Opera Background
About the Composer
Story and Music
The performances on 24., 27. February and 2., 10., 17. March, are broadcast live on the Metropolitan Opera Radio on Sirius channel 78 and XM channel 79. The Saturday matinee performance on 27. February is also broadcast live over the Toll Brothers-Metropolitan Opera International Radio Network. The performances on 24. February and 10. March, are streamed live via RealNetworks internet streaming on the Met website.
Press Reviews
Related Posts
La Bohème, Met, New York 20. Feb 2010-20. Mar 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 20. Feb 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 24. Feb 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 27. Feb 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 6. Mar 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 10. Mar 2010
Jumat, 12 Maret 2010
Les Contes d'Hoffmann premieres at Great Performances at the Met on 24. Mar 2010
The performance of Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann held at the Met on 19. December 2009 premieres on Thirteen’s "Great Performances at the Met" series on Wednesday 24. March 2010 at 9 PM ET.
Starting 25. March 2010, Les Contes d'Hoffmann will be available in HD on the Met Player.
Joseph Calleja sings the title role and is joined on stage by Kate Lindsey as Nicklausse and The Muse, Anna Netrebko as Antonia and Stella, Kathleen Kim as Olympia, Ekaterina Gubanova as Giulietta and Alan Held as the Four Villains. James Levine conducts the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Bartlett Sher is the stage director.
Starting 25. March 2010, Les Contes d'Hoffmann will be available in HD on the Met Player.
Joseph Calleja sings the title role and is joined on stage by Kate Lindsey as Nicklausse and The Muse, Anna Netrebko as Antonia and Stella, Kathleen Kim as Olympia, Ekaterina Gubanova as Giulietta and Alan Held as the Four Villains. James Levine conducts the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Bartlett Sher is the stage director.
Kamis, 11 Maret 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 10. Mar 2010

La Bohème
Music by Giacomo Puccini
Text in Italian by Giuseppe Giacosa und Luigi Illica, based on Henry Murger's novel "Scènes de la Vie de Bohème"
Metropolitan Opera House, New York 10. Mar 2010
Production: Franco Zeffirelli
Set designer: Franco Zeffirelli
Costume designer: Peter J. Hall
Lighting designer: Gil Wechsler
Stage director: J. Knighten Smit
Mimi: Anna Netrebko
Musetta: Ruth Ann Swenson
Rodolfo: Piotr Beczala
Marcello: George Petan
Schaunard: Patrick Carfizzi
Colline: Oren Gradus
Benoît: Paul Plishka
Alcindoro: Paul Plishka
Parpignol: Daniel Clark Smith
Sergeant: Jason Hendrix
Officer: Joseph Turi
Musical Direction: Marco Armiliato
Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera
About the Opera
Opera Background
About the Composer
Story and Music
The performances on 24., 27. February and 2., 10., 17. March, are broadcast live on the Metropolitan Opera Radio on Sirius channel 78 and XM channel 79. The Saturday matinee performance on 27. February is also broadcast live over the Toll Brothers-Metropolitan Opera International Radio Network. The performances on 24. February and 10. March, are streamed live via RealNetworks internet streaming on the Met website.
Related Posts
La Bohème, Met, New York 20. Feb 2010-20. Mar 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 20. Feb 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 24. Feb 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 27. Feb 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 6. Mar 2010
Selasa, 09 Maret 2010
Anna Netrebko will return to Salle Pleyel to sing Arias by Pergolesi
The new Season 2010-2011 at Salle Pleyel, Paris, has been presented today and it will be uploaded tomorrow morning at the Salle Pleyel website.
Anna Netrebko will return to the Salle Pleyel to sing in a Concert of Arias by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi and other italian baroque composers on Tuesday 26. April 2011.
Anna Netrebko sang the Stabat Mater by Pergolesi with Ekaterina Semenchuk at the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory in Moscow on 28. October 2007 and with Andreas Scholl at the Wiener Musikverein in Wien on 4. and 6. November 2007. Anna Netrebko will sing again the Stabat Mater by Pergolesi this summer at the Baden-Baden Gala 2010 to be held at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden on 27. and 29. July 2010 with Antonio Pappano conducting the Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.
Anna Netrebko made her debut at Salle Pleyel in a concert of arias and duets with italian tenor Massimo Giordano and Keri-Lynn Wilson conducting the Orchestre National d'Île-de-France on 1. October 2009.
Anna Netrebko will return to the Salle Pleyel to sing in a Concert of Arias by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi and other italian baroque composers on Tuesday 26. April 2011.
Anna Netrebko sang the Stabat Mater by Pergolesi with Ekaterina Semenchuk at the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory in Moscow on 28. October 2007 and with Andreas Scholl at the Wiener Musikverein in Wien on 4. and 6. November 2007. Anna Netrebko will sing again the Stabat Mater by Pergolesi this summer at the Baden-Baden Gala 2010 to be held at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden on 27. and 29. July 2010 with Antonio Pappano conducting the Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.
Anna Netrebko made her debut at Salle Pleyel in a concert of arias and duets with italian tenor Massimo Giordano and Keri-Lynn Wilson conducting the Orchestre National d'Île-de-France on 1. October 2009.
Deutsche Grammophon releases the new album of Anna Netrebko on 26. Mar 2010

The album is a live recording of the recital given by Anna Netrebko, accompanied by Daniel Barenboim at the piano, at the Grosses Festspielhaus on 17. Aug 2009, during the Salzburger Festspiele.
The album contains the full program performed at the Liederabend in Salzburg, the first part devoted to Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, the second part devoted to Piotr I. Tchaikovsky and two encores by Antonín Dvorák and Richard Strauss.
A limited hardcover Deluxe Edition, including an enhanced 60 page booklet with extensive information on the repertoire and the composers, text of the songs and their translation in English, German and French, an interview with Anna Netrebko about the Salzburg recital and the repertoire and extensive new photo material, will be released.
Deutsche Grammophon has launched a special microsite devoted to the new album "In the Still of Night". The special microsite contains information about the album, the track list, press quotes, gallery, etc.
In the Still of Night
Anna Netrebko · Daniel Barenboim
CD |D|D|D| 000289 477 8589 7 |G|H|
Limited hardcover edition:
CD |D|D|D| 000289 477 8867 6 |G|H|
Anna Netrebko, Soprano
Daniel Barenboim, Piano
Recorded Live at the Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg
Monday 17. August 2009 20:30
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Worüber in der Stille der Nacht op. 40 Nr. 3 | O chem v tishi nochey op. 40 Nr. 3 | Of what I dream in the quiet night op. 40 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Verzeih! Erinnere dich nicht an die kummervollen Tage op. 27 Nr. 4 | Prosti! Ne pomni dney naden’ya op. 27 Nr. 4 | Forgive! Remember not these tearful days op. 27 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Es ist nicht der Wind, der von der Höhe weht op. 43 Nr. 2 | Ne veter, veya s vïsotï op. 43 Nr. 2 | Not the Wind, blowing from the hights op. 43 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Klingender ist das Lied der Lerche op. 43 Nr. 1 | Zvonche zhavoronka pen’ye op. 43 Nr. 1 | The lark sings louder op. 43 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Auf Grusiniens Hügeln op. 3 Nr. 4 | Na kholmakh Gruzii op. 3 Nr. 4 | On the hills of Georgia op. 3 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Im Reich der Rose und des Weins op. 8 Nr. 5 | V tsarstvo rozï i vina op. 8 Nr. 5 | In the kingdom of roses and wine op. 8 Nr. 5
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Suleikas Lied op. 26 Nr. 4 | Pesnya Zyuleyki op. 26 Nr. 4 | Zuleika’s song op. 26 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nachtigall wurde Sklavin der Rose op. 2 Nr. 2 | Plenivshis’ rozoy, solovey (Vostochnïy romans) op. 2 Nr. 2 | Enslaved by the rose, the nightingale op. 2 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Der Wolken Luftgebirg löst sich im Winde sacht op. 42 Nr. 3 | Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada op. 42 Nr. 3 | The clouds begin to scatter op. 42 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nymphe op. 56 Nr. 1 | Nimfa op. 56 Nr. 1 | The nymph op. 56 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Ein Sommernachtstraum op. 56 Nr. 2 | Son v letnyuyu noch’ op. 56 Nr. 2 | Summer night’s dream op. 56 Nr. 2
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Sag mir, wovon im dunklen Grün op. 57 Nr. 1 | Skazhi, o chom v teni vetvey op. 57 Nr. 1 | Tell me, what in the shade of the branches op. 57 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • So schnell vergessen (1870) | Zabït tak skoro (1870) | To forget so soon (1870)
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Trunkene Nächte op. 60 Nr. 6 | Nochy bezumnïye op. 60 Nr. 6 | Frenzied night op. 60 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Warum? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Otchevo? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Why? op. 6 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Serenade, O Kind, ich singe dir op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenada op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenade op. 63 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Wiegenlied op. 16 Nr. 1 | Kolïbel’naya pesnya op. 16 Nr. 1 | Cradle song op. 16 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • War ich nicht ein Gräslein im Felde op. 47 Nr. 7 | Ya li v pole da ne travushka bïla op. 47 Nr. 7 | Was I not a little blade of grass? op. 47 Nr. 7
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • In trüben Tagen op. 73 Nr. 5 | Sred mrachnïkh dnei op. 73 Nr. 5 | Mid sombre days op. 73 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Herrschet der Tag op. 47 Nr. 6 | Den li tsarit? op. 47 Nr. 6 | Does the day reign op. 47 Nr. 6
Antonín Dvořák • Zigeunermelodien op. 55 Nr. 4 (Als die alte Mutter mich noch lehrte singen) | Ciganske melodie op. 55 Nr. 4 (Kdyz mne stará matka zpívat, zpívat ucívala) | Gypsy Songs op. 55 Nr. 4 (When my old mother taught me to sing)
Richard Strauss • Cäcilie op. 27 Nr. 2
Deutsche Grammophon has launched a videoclip in their Youtube channel, where Anna Netrebko and Daniel Barenboim talk about this new album, how the idea came out, the repertoire by Rimsky-Korsakov and Tchaikovsky, the difference between their songs, the importance to have a good translation in english and german, etc. At the end of the videoclip, Barenboim talks about how unique and extraordinary is Anna Netrebko.
Press Reviews | By Jacques Schmitt | 20. Mar 2010 [French]

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 6. Mar 2010

La Bohème
Music by Giacomo Puccini
Text in Italian by Giuseppe Giacosa und Luigi Illica, based on Henry Murger's novel "Scènes de la Vie de Bohème"
Metropolitan Opera House, New York 6. Mar 2010
Production: Franco Zeffirelli
Set designer: Franco Zeffirelli
Costume designer: Peter J. Hall
Lighting designer: Gil Wechsler
Stage director: J. Knighten Smit
Mimi: Anna Netrebko
Musetta: Nicole Cabell
Rodolfo: Piotr Beczala
Marcello: Gerald Finley
Schaunard: Massimo Cavalletti
Colline: Shen Yang
Benoît: Paul Plishka
Alcindoro: Paul Plishka
Parpignol: Jeremy Little
Sergeant: Jason Hendrix
Officer: Joseph Turi
Musical Direction: Marco Armiliato
Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera
About the Opera
Opera Background
About the Composer
Story and Music
Press Reviews
[1] Opera review: 'La bohème', Met's cash cow, evokes picture-postcard Paris | By Scott Cantrell | The Dallas Morning News | 7. March 2010
The performances on 24., 27. February and 2., 10., 17. March, are broadcast live on the Metropolitan Opera Radio on Sirius channel 78 and XM channel 79. The Saturday matinee performance on 27. February is also broadcast live over the Toll Brothers-Metropolitan Opera International Radio Network. The performances on 24. February and 10. March, are streamed live via RealNetworks internet streaming on the Met website.
Related Posts
La Bohème, Met, New York 20. Feb 2010-20. Mar 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 20. Feb 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 24. Feb 2010
La Bohème, Met, New York 27. Feb 2010
Jumat, 05 Maret 2010
An Evening of Tchaikovsky Operas Scenes in Concert, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010
The Mariinsky Opera and Orchestra led by Valery Gergiev is in Washington to perform in a series of operas and concerts at the Kennedy Center Opera House.
Yesterday, 4. March 2010, the Mariinsky Opera and Orchestra with special guest Anna Netrebko and Valery Gergiev conducting, performed in "An Evening of Tchaikovsky Operas Scenes in Concert". The programme included scenes from Mazeppa, The Queen of Spades and Iolanta.
An Evening of Tchaikovsky Operas Scenes in Concert
Kennedy Center Opera House, Washington 4. March 2010
Act II, Scenes 2 and 3
Mazeppa: Edem Umerov
Maria: Victoria Yastrebova
Lyubov: Elena Vitman
Kochubey: Mikhail Kit
Iskra: Dmitri Voropaev
Drunk Cossack: Nikolay Gassiev
Act II, Scene 2
Prilepa: Irina Mataeva
Zlatogor: Edem Umerov
Milovzor: Zlata Bulycheva
Selected Scenes
Iolanta: Anna Netrebko
Robert: Alexei Markov
Count Vaudémont: Sergei Skorokhodov
Our blogfriend Howard and his wife Paula attended this concert performance at the Kennedy Center in Washington. Howard has kindly written the following report for the blog:
Press Reviews
[1] Music Review of the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra at the Kennedy Center | By Anne Midgette | Washington Post | 6. March 2010
Blog Reports
Ionarts: Concerts from the Mariinsky Theater
Alexei Markov and Anna Netrebko, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Alexei Markov, Anna Netrebko and Sergei Skorokhodov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Anna Netrebko and Alexei Markov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Valery Gergiev, Anna Netrebko and Alexei Markov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Valery Gergiev, Anna Netrebko and Alexei Markov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Valery Gergiev, Anna Netrebko and Sergei Skorokhodov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Anna Netrebko at the stage door after the concert, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Yesterday, 4. March 2010, the Mariinsky Opera and Orchestra with special guest Anna Netrebko and Valery Gergiev conducting, performed in "An Evening of Tchaikovsky Operas Scenes in Concert". The programme included scenes from Mazeppa, The Queen of Spades and Iolanta.
An Evening of Tchaikovsky Operas Scenes in Concert
Kennedy Center Opera House, Washington 4. March 2010
Act II, Scenes 2 and 3
Mazeppa: Edem Umerov
Maria: Victoria Yastrebova
Lyubov: Elena Vitman
Kochubey: Mikhail Kit
Iskra: Dmitri Voropaev
Drunk Cossack: Nikolay Gassiev
Act II, Scene 2
Prilepa: Irina Mataeva
Zlatogor: Edem Umerov
Milovzor: Zlata Bulycheva
Selected Scenes
Iolanta: Anna Netrebko
Robert: Alexei Markov
Count Vaudémont: Sergei Skorokhodov
Our blogfriend Howard and his wife Paula attended this concert performance at the Kennedy Center in Washington. Howard has kindly written the following report for the blog:
My wife Paula and I, were treated to a thrilling evening of the Mariinsky orchestra, chorus and solists conducted by Valery Gergiev. It indeed was a very special 60th birthday present that I will chersih. The opera house at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC is a beautiful and intimate hall overlooking the Potomic River that is generally reserved for the Kennedy Center Awards and the Washingon Opera Company led by Placido Domingo. In this 2 year cultural exchange with Russia, the Mariinsky Theater showcased its star talent. One quickly apprecites how the Russians have embraced and nurtured culture and music. Gergiev and Netrebko have elevated the bar to a very high standard and deserve much acclaim and accolades.
We treated ourselves to orchestra seats (5th row center) about 20 feet from the stage and it was worth every moment of this indulgence. The orchestra led by Gergiev was stylish, well-honed and provided an exquisite ensemble. The stage was crowded with orchestra and full chorus. The orchestra was in full formal attire and the chorus had matching couture including scarves for the women. Gergiev conducts to precision without a baton using only his fingers to nuance color from the orchestra. It was full drama from the outset with outstanding brass and percussion sections. One only has to imagine the string section all in unison with piannisimo staccato that sounded like rain drops falling in unision. The sound was just heavenly. This is a much more intimate setting than the Metropolitan opera which commands a great and expansive presence.
While I will not attempt to review the entire concert which was just truly spectacular, I will devote some time to the evening's culmination with Iolanta. Ms Netrebko arrived in a gorgeous aqua gown cinched at her left waist and flaired at the bottom The bodice was wrapped tightly and adorned with silver sequins and a simple elegance. From the moment she walked on stage you sensed the frightened look of an adolescent blind girl who has never experienced love. Her uncanny ability to act was truly amazing. Her blank stare, expressions of fright and tears only added to the mystique when she sang alongside the tenor. The awakening of both passion at love by this young girl who did not understand the meaning of light was very intimate. This was the birth of a budding initial romance. Aside from impassioned singing and charasmatic charm, you had to witness the transformation in her persona to understand how Anna has viewed her craft and art form. She has truly melded impassioned singing with a deeper understanding and portayal of her role. As has been stated in a very simplistic cliches, she is a stage animal ruling the enviroment. This does not even come close to the passion, talent and ability that she has developed in recent years. It has been said that singing in your native language is the epitome of your talent and this was certainly true. This opera, Iolantta is melodious, full of passion and drama and true to Tschaikovsky art form. Anna's singing was passionate, elegant and befitting for the role. She made you feel that she was in the opera rather than a staged performance. I cannot stress the color and resonance of her voice which was far superior to her outstanding counterparts from the rest of the performance. Russia has developed significant talents and depth in orchestral, ballet and opera and Ms. Netrebko has indeed become the cultural ambassador of the world showcasing this talent.
Returning to the scene from Iolanta, Ms. Netrebko sang with fierce personality, drama and changed her intensity and vocal strucure from a shy reclusive adolecent to a passionate and dramatic lover discovering companionship and true romance. The transformation from a shy, reticent and frail girl into a first sensuous love was dramatic and effective. A frightened blind glance evolved into a radient dramatic style and embrace. It was remarkable to behold. Her last nights were in a high register soaring with intensity, confidence and reminiscent of her now iconic Salzburg Traviata. My wife kept commenting how different she looked from her dying role in La Bohème. The scene ended with Anna in passionate embrace kissing her newly found lover. Netrebko's hands speak for themselves. They reflect elegance, sensuality and style. It was indeed a very memorable and wonderful performace that I will cherish for a long time. It concluded with a rousing standing ovation. As you can imagine the audience was filled with many Russian expatriots who truly appreciate the arts. We met people from the Washington, DC area who had also seen the recent La Bohème at the Met and were astonished by her capabilities.
The curtain calls were numerous to a boisterous crowd and Anna waived with her signature waive that is now known to her many admirers.
Press Reviews
[1] Music Review of the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra at the Kennedy Center | By Anne Midgette | Washington Post | 6. March 2010
Blog Reports
Ionarts: Concerts from the Mariinsky Theater
Alexei Markov and Anna Netrebko, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Alexei Markov, Anna Netrebko and Sergei Skorokhodov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Anna Netrebko and Alexei Markov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Valery Gergiev, Anna Netrebko and Alexei Markov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Valery Gergiev, Anna Netrebko and Alexei Markov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Valery Gergiev, Anna Netrebko and Sergei Skorokhodov, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Anna Netrebko at the stage door after the concert, Kennedy Center, Washington 4. Mar 2010. Photo: Brian
Rabu, 03 Maret 2010
Anna Netrebko in the list of the Young Global Leaders 2010 of the World Economic Forum
Anna Netrebko has been included in the list of the Young Global Leaders 2010 which has been released yesterday by the World Economic Forum. The list includes 197 names from 72 countries which have been selected among more than 5000 candidates.
Anna Netrebko was already included in 2007 by the magazine Time in the list Time 100, the list of the 100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world.
Press Reports
[1] Anna Netrebko named among young global leaders | By Natalya Victorova | The Voice of Russia | 5. March 2010
Anna Netrebko was already included in 2007 by the magazine Time in the list Time 100, the list of the 100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world.
Press Reports
[1] Anna Netrebko named among young global leaders | By Natalya Victorova | The Voice of Russia | 5. March 2010

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010
Anna Netrebko will appear in "Wetten, das..?" in Salzburg on 27. March 2010
Anna Netrebko will be one of the invited guest of the live German TV show "Wetten, das..?" conducted by Thomas Gottschalk, in Salzburg on 27. March 2010.
Gottschalk: Shakira/Netrebko in Salzburg | | 28. Feb 2010 [German]
Gottschalk: Shakira/Netrebko in Salzburg | | 28. Feb 2010 [German]
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