The programme, featuring selected songs by Russian composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow and Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, has been the same one chosen for the lied recital given just a few days before at the Rosengarten, Mannheim on 12. August 2009, where, on that occasion, the Russian soprano was accompanied by Elena Bashkirova at the piano. After the 20 songs by the two Russian composers, they were two encores ending with Richard Strauss's "Cäcilie". The show ended with a standing ovation.
The lied recital has been recorded, not only for the Ö1 radio broadcast scheduled on 26. Aug 2009 19:30. It has been announced that a live CD it is planned to be released.
A lied recital, featuring also selected songs by Russian composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow and Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, will be given by Anna Netrebko, accompanied by Daniel Barenboim at the piano, at the Festtage 2010, Philharmonie, Berlin on 29. March 2010.
Anna Netrebko, Soprano
Daniel Barenboim, Piano
Grosses Festspielhaus, Salzburg
Monday 17. August 2009 20:30
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Worüber in der Stille der Nacht op. 40 Nr. 3 | O chem v tishi nochey op. 40 Nr. 3 | Of what I dream in the quiet night op. 40 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Verzeih! Erinnere dich nicht an die kummervollen Tage op. 27 Nr. 4 | Prosti! Ne pomni dney naden’ya op. 27 Nr. 4 | Forgive! Remember not these tearful days op. 27 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Es ist nicht der Wind, der von der Höhe weht op. 43 Nr. 2 | Ne veter, veya s vïsotï op. 43 Nr. 2 | Not the Wind, blowing from the hights op. 43 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Klingender ist das Lied der Lerche op. 43 Nr. 1 | Zvonche zhavoronka pen’ye op. 43 Nr. 1 | The lark sings louder op. 43 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Auf Grusiniens Hügeln op. 3 Nr. 4 | Na kholmakh Gruzii op. 3 Nr. 4 | On the hills of Georgia op. 3 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Im Reich der Rose und des Weins op. 8 Nr. 5 | V tsarstvo rozï i vina op. 8 Nr. 5 | In the kingdom of roses and wine op. 8 Nr. 5
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Suleikas Lied op. 26 Nr. 4 | Pesnya Zyuleyki op. 26 Nr. 4 | Zuleika’s song op. 26 Nr. 4
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nachtigall wurde Sklavin der Rose op. 2 Nr. 2 | Plenivshis’ rozoy, solovey (Vostochnïy romans) op. 2 Nr. 2 | Enslaved by the rose, the nightingale op. 2 Nr. 2
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Der Wolken Luftgebirg löst sich im Winde sacht op. 42 Nr. 3 | Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada op. 42 Nr. 3 | The clouds begin to scatter op. 42 Nr. 3
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Die Nymphe op. 56 Nr. 1 | Nimfa op. 56 Nr. 1 | The nymph op. 56 Nr. 1
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow • Ein Sommernachtstraum op. 56 Nr. 2 | Son v letnyuyu noch’ op. 56 Nr. 2 | Summer night’s dream op. 56 Nr. 2
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Sag mir, wovon im dunklen Grün op. 57 Nr. 1 | Skazhi, o chom v teni vetvey op. 57 Nr. 1 | Tell me, what in the shade of the branches op. 57 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • So schnell vergessen (1870) | Zabït tak skoro (1870) | To forget so soon (1870)
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Trunkene Nächte op. 60 Nr. 6 | Nochy bezumnïye op. 60 Nr. 6 | Frenzied night op. 60 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Warum? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Otchevo? op. 6 Nr. 5 | Why? op. 6 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Serenade, O Kind, ich singe dir op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenada op. 63 Nr. 6 | Serenade op. 63 Nr. 6
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Wiegenlied op. 16 Nr. 1 | Kolïbel’naya pesnya op. 16 Nr. 1 | Cradle song op. 16 Nr. 1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • War ich nicht ein Gräslein im Felde op. 47 Nr. 7 | Ya li v pole da ne travushka bïla op. 47 Nr. 7 | Was I not a little blade of grass? op. 47 Nr. 7
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • In trüben Tagen op. 73 Nr. 5 | Sred mrachnïkh dnei op. 73 Nr. 5 | Mid sombre days op. 73 Nr. 5
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky • Herrschet der Tag op. 47 Nr. 6 | Den li tsarit? op. 47 Nr. 6 | Does the day reign op. 47 Nr. 6
Antonín Dvořák • Zigeunermelodien op. 55 Nr. 4 (Als die alte Mutter mich noch lehrte singen) | Ciganske melodie op. 55 Nr. 4 (Kdyz mne stará matka zpívat, zpívat ucívala) | Gypsy Songs op. 55 Nr. 4 (When my old mother taught me to sing)
Richard Strauss • Cäcilie op. 27 Nr. 2
Press Reviews
Herbert has kindly translated some extracts of the reviews published in the German press. Christoph Lindenbauer, in his review for the Kleine Zeitung, says that the Liederabend at the Salzburger Festsiele will be released as a live CD.
"Anna Netrebko is an excellent singer [...], unique in her kind as well as technically and artistically on a very, very high level. Last night she proved at the Salzburg Festival that she is able to enthuse her audience not only by culinary delicacies, but also by relatively unknown, even unwieldy lieder."
Anna Netrebkos russische Lieder - By Christoph Lindenbauer/APA, Kleine Zeitung, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
"Netrebko's performance on stage [...] and especially her manifold mode of expression are and will be world-class."
Anna Netrebkos russische Lieder - By Christoph Lindenbauer/APA, Kleine Zeitung, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
"It is sensational how Netrebko plays with the colours and can switch from a dark, guttural sound to shining bright, crystal clear soprano timbre, effortlessly filling the Festspielhaus with her voice. Voluminous force and grandeur are followed by a whispered piano, and everything is well-balanced and perfectly in line with her Russian-dramatic gestures. Netrebko's voice does (almost invariably) what Netrebko wants her to do. She plays with all facets of sound in all pitches - not only where it is technically easy."
Anna Netrebkos russische Lieder - By Christoph Lindenbauer/APA, Kleine Zeitung, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
"It was the glorious climax and also the conclusion of the Salzburg Festival 2009. [...] Powerful and voluminous, but also delicate, bright and with a crystal-clear voice, soprano Anna Netrebko easily filled the Festival Hall and underlined her singing with a typical Russian-dramatic gestures."
Anna Netrebko – nach der Babypause besser als je zuvor - Österreich News, 19. Aug 2009 [German]
"Some day she will be the most magnificent Marschallin ("Rosenkavalier") of all times, because she knows melancholy as well as happiness, and because her exuding voice is a marvelous frenzy of sound."
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 19. Aug 2009
"[...] sa voix se raffermit et déploie toutes les séductions d’un timbre fruité, richement coloré, avec des aigus glorieux et une palette de nuances raffinée. Pour chaque mélodie, elle sait trouver le climat, l’expression, les couleurs qui caractérisent un chant engagé et passionné. Sentiment encore renforcé après l’entracte avec Tchaïkovski [...]"
Salzbourg 2009 (6): Madonna Netrebko - By Monique Barichella, Altamusica.com, Aug 2009 [French]
On-line Press Reviews
Herzlicher Applaus für Netrebko bei Konzert - Salzburg.orf.at [German]
Anna Netrebkos Liederabend - By Ernst P. Strobl (SN), Salzburger Nachrichten, 18. August 2009 [German][Photos]
Eine Netrebko-Show ist etwas anderes - By Ernst P. Strobl (SN), Salzburger Nachrichten, 18. August 2009 [German]
Anna Netrebkos russische Lieder - By Christoph Lindenbauer/APA, Kleine Zeitung, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
Blicke mir nicht in die Seele - DerStandard.at, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
Ein ideales Künstler-Paar - By Gert Korentschnig, Kurier.at, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
Die Königskinder von Salzburg - Kurier.at, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
Glamourös, aber nicht kulinarisch - By Oliver Schneider, Wiener Zeitung, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
Der Sieg über die Bussi-Bussi-Gesellschaft - By Jörn Florian Fuchs,DrehPunktKultur.at, 18. Aug 2009 [German]
Anna Netrebko – nach der Babypause besser als je zuvor - Österreich News, 19. Aug 2009 [German]
Konzentrierte Träumereien - By Volker Boser, Abendzeitung, 19. Aug 2009 [German]
Salzbourg 2009 (6): Madonna Netrebko - By Monique Barichella, Altamusica.com, Aug 2009 [French]
Salzburg, Großes Festspielhaus: LIEDERABEND ANNA NETREBKO-DANIEL BARENBOIM (13.8.2009) - By Peter Dusek, Der Neu Merker [German]
In the Ö1 website there is a link to a 3:05 min audio report about the lied recital with two very short clips of Anna.
In the Austrian TV ORF website there is a videoclip of today's news Zeit im Bild, showing an exclusive interview and some images of Anna Netrebko at the Salzburger Festspiele.
The Salzburg lied recital will be broadcast on on German radios NDR Kultur on Sunday 23. August 2009 20:00, MDR Figaro on Sunday 23. August 2009 20:05, WDR3 on Sunday 23. August 2009 20:05 and on Austrian radio Ö1 on Wednesday 26. August 2009 19:30.
Related Posts
Anna Netrebko | 2008-2009 Season
Anna Netrebko | 2009-2010 Season
Anna Netrebko, Rosengarten, Mannheim 12. August 2009
Anna Netrebko at the Festtage 2010, Philharmonie, Berlin
The Programme of the Anna Netrebko's Recital in Mannheim on 12. Aug 2009
Anna Netrebko's Lied Recital in Salzburg on 17. Aug 2009 will be Broadcast by Ö1 on 26. Aug 2009
Anna Netrebko, Liederabend, Mozartsaal, Rosengarten, Mannheim 12. Aug 2009
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